7 a.m. on Sunday, September 15, through 7 p.m. on Saturday, September 21: Motorists should expect rotating right and left lane closure on Grove Street, from just north of Stevens Avenue to East Lemon Avenue.
This will show you what additional documents/plans may be required when submitting your application.
Submittal Checklist
Start Online Form
Fees vary depending on the application being submitted. Fees may be paid by the following ways:
Print off Form
Mail completed application to Development Services at: City of Eustis P.O. Drawer 68 Eustis, FL 32727
Fees vary depending on the project being submitted. Fees may be paid by the following ways:
You may pick-up the Development Application Form in our office or download and print-off the completed form with your supported documents/plans, and bring with you to our office. Print off Form
Fees may be paid by the following ways: Cash: (in-person only) Check Card/Credit Card: Visa or MasterCard only (in-person or over the phone) Check: (in-person or mail)
Must have this included with your application.
Owner Affidavit(PDF, 75KB)
Agent Applicants Affidavit(PDF, 106KB)
The City is offering an annexation and new development incentive program to help property owners bring their land into into the city limits and also waiving water and sewer impact fees for new construction. Learn more.