Construction continues locally on Bay and Grove Streets. Motorist should expect continued lane closures as well as traffic delays. For complete information on current expected closures and detours, visit the link below.
Under $5,000
City departments may purchase items up to $5,000 without going through the Purchasing Dept.
Purchases ranging from $5,000.01 to $10,000 require a departmental requisition and three competitive quotes.
Purchases ranging from $10,000.01 to $100,000 require three written quotes and purchases in excess of $100,000 require a formal sealed bid process, which is advertised and publicly opened. Exceptions to the sealed bid process are items from State of Florida contracts or a cooperative bid from another governmental or approved agency. All purchases in excess of $100,000 require Commission approval.
The City of Eustis does not have a system in place that will allow us to accept online bids, therefore, all formal sealed bids will continue to be received at the Purchasing Dept. within City Hall. All vendors interested in doing business with the City of Eustis are encouraged to contact us and request to be added to our vendor database. This database connects vendors and their corresponding commodity categories and when a need for a product or service arises, this information can be queried accordingly. EUSTIS-BIDDERS-APPLICATION(PDF, 165KB)
Tracy Jeanes, Mark Raiford and Jennifer Wingo
Monday - Friday, 8am - 5 pm