Fertilizer Information

Lake County Municipalities are working to keep nitrogen and phosphorus from running into our lakes and streams. Here's what to do in the fall, winter and spring:

October 1 - May 31

  • Watch the weather: Never fertilize when its going to rain. Rainstorms don't "water in" fertilizer, they wash it away. That wastes money and pollutes our local waterways.
  • Go slow by half: If lawn and landscape fertilizers contain nitrogen, at least 50% of the nitrogen should be slow-release. Other names for slow-release are "timed release", "controlled release" or "slowly available".
  • Twice is nice. Fertilize only twice a year. Once in April, at the start of growth and once in October to feed the grass before winter dormancy.
  • Save your wallet.

June 1 - September 30

  • Just say NO to nitrogen and phosphorus: Do NOT use any lawn or landscape fertilizer that contains nitrogen or phosphorus from June 1 to September 30.
  • Know Your bag: Look for the three numbers that show the major nutrient content. 10-0-5 equals Nitrogen - Phosphorus - Potassium (%/wt.). Select a fertilizer where the first and third numbers are equal or in a 2:1 ratio and the middle number is zero or as low as possible.
  • Pump some iron: Use Florida-friendly fertilizer products that contain iron and other micro-nutrients to green up your lawn during the summer.
  • Veggies get a pass: Nitrogen and phosphorus products can be used to fertilize vegetable gardens. Just watch the weather (no rain) and follow the instructions.
  • Get better dirt. Fertilizer isn't always the answer. Give your garden a boost by adding compost, composted cow manure, perlite or other soil amendments.